Recorded Talks is A non-profit library of over 1800 audio recordings including talks, discussions, stories, samadhi tunes and musical performances by Meher Baba's mandali and other lovers.
Meher Baba's Disciples Speak

Eruch Jessawala
"Real love implies obedience, obedience is part and parcel of it. When your beloved asks you for a favor, do you refuse? Of course not. In fact, when you love someone, you do not even wait for the Beloved to ask, but you anticipate their needs and see to it first. That is what I mean when I say love implies obedience."

Mani S. Irani
" Years later, after joining Baba as a "real nun," I realised the truth of what I had uttered as a little girl. There was indeed no nunnery like ours, so cloistered and strict, and yet so alive and buoyant with the joy of God's personal presence and love. Yes, being Baba's nun was being a real nun in the deepest and truest sense of the word. "

Adi K. Irani
"I have correspondence with Meher Baba from people all over the world dating back the last fifty years. Such beautiful experiences are given, you cannot imagine. You would be absolutely wonder-struck to find out how these things could ever be. Impossible things have happened in the contact and love of Meher Baba."

Francis Brabazon
" No stopping place can be a destination except that lace where mind stops forever and one knows that one is God. Your estination is your own heart in which the Eternal Ancient One eternally lives, but because Avatar Meher Baba the all-loving one stayed here, the perfume of His Love may refresh and strengthen you on the way to His feet."