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Cypress :: Pouring Light
Cypress debut Cd Pouring Light (2003) is now available. Selected songs from Pouring Light appear as the soundtrack in two films (2002) on the spiritual master, Meher Baba, whom Mother Theresa of Calcutta described as one "like Christ."
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Cypress :: Diamond & Stone
Cypress is a world fusion ensemble dedicated to the musical adaptation of the words of illuminated masters, transformational poets, as well as songs of spiritual aspiration.
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Time of the Harvest Project
The songs of this album spring from a variety of traditions, ranging from the ancient Jewish folk hymn of the Middle East to the "deep South" gospel hymn of 20th century America. More directly, each song was inspired by the atmosphere of "prayer and work" (ora et labora) as experienced at St. John's Benedictine Abbey, Collegeville, MN.
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