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Meher Baba Video
Project Songbird
Meher Media provides audio, video, and print media relevant to Meher Baba's life and teaching. Our offerings are available for download in streaming digital format, and they may also be ordered for offline delivery in digital media and print formats.
Project Songbird has dedicated its resources to digitizing audio, video, and print archives of material related to Meher Baba's major works. The first release in the Project Songbird Archive is the digitally mastered recordings of Don Stevens reading the 6th edition of Meher Baba's Discourse. You will hear the Discourses read and recorded more clearly than ever before by the original editor, appointed by Meher Baba himself and who's voice Baba comment many time was almost exactly like that of his favorite BBC short wave news broadcaster.
Streaming Media
This means that you can listen to an audio clip at any time without having to download the entire file to your computer. The companion members area offers advanced search features that allow the user to search a key term or phrase from a specifc recording.
Direct Downloads
These new recordings have been optimized in MP3 formatting for the iPod and other portable players. CDs can also be created from these files using any of the latest CD burning software.